Are you finally ready to get the massage you have been postponing for months? And have you decided on the specific type of massage you’d like? The two common preferred massage services are Swedish and deep tissue massage. Which between the two will work best for you? Learn all about the two massage services below.
Deep Tissue Massage
As the name implies, it is a deep type of massage which goes in the muscle layers.…
When you undergo a surgical procedure, you want to get back to normal as quickly as possible. One way to expedite your healing is through lymphatic massage. In addition to rest and medication, lymphatic massage is an ideal contribution to your healing. Here is what you need to know:
What Is Lymphatic Massage?
The lymphatic system is a series of channels through the body that lead back to your lymph nodes.…
Massages feel great, and they’re good for you, too. Massages stimulate blood flow throughout your body and offer additional benefits, such as pain relief. Each massage therapist has their own style, but many therapists specialize in a specific type of massage, such as Thai yoga massage. Thai yoga massage is a unique type of massage that offers many benefits. Here are five reasons that people typically seek this style of massage:…