If you have been thinking about going to massage school, you are not alone. Many people realize that they want to study massage because it is such an important part of health and physical therapy.
If you are thinking about massage school, you probably want to know what kinds of massage you should study. These are some of the most popular options you might think about.
Sports Massage
Sports massage is one method many massage therapists prefer to study.…
If you are like most people, you do not spend a lot of time thinking about getting massage services. You may think that you do not have time for a massage or that getting massages is only for rich people. But neither of these things are actually true. You can make time for a massage and anyone of any income level can and likely should get a massage at some point.…
There are many benefits associated with prenatal massage therapy. Most people realize that getting a massage can help to decrease stress and decrease aches and pains that occur within the body due to the changes that the body is experiencing during pregnancy. However, these are not the only benefits associated with prenatal massage therapy. Here are a few of the lesser-known benefits associated with getting prenatal massages in the last trimester of pregnancy.…